Welcome to Glamper Tech! We’re a small team of outdoor enthusiasts with the mission to provide expert research and unbiased reviews on the world’s best outdoor gear. Throughout our website, you’ll find both top tier gear and affordable gear to help improve your outdoor experiences. From camping to hiking and everything in between, our goal is to give our readers honest opinions of leading outdoor brands and equipment. We also share gift guides and product comparisons periodically, so tune in for the latest updates! Glamper Tech is run by husband and wife team, Madison & Jeremy Alderman. We have a balance of men’s and women’s buying guides, gear, and product reviews throughout the site. Looking for something specific? Contact us to leave suggestions for new gear to add to the site, or stop by and say hello. We’d love to hear about your adventures!
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Best Women’s Trail Hiking Shoes for 2022
I had breathlessly reached another summit in the California Sierra mountains where I sat down on a rock next to three other hikers. One of them was in visible discomfort, telling the other two that he was getting blisters in his new boots. “What size are you?” asked one of the other hikers. Then he…
Best ATV Goggles for 2022
Looking for your next pair of ATV googles? Eye protection is essential for yours and your family’s safety. For any off-road adventure, getting the right gear is important for your safety and longevity of your gear. You’ll want to consider specific eye protection for professional racing, dirt biking, motorcycles, winter sports, ATVing and UTVing, because…
Best Camping Grills for 2022
Camping is one of the most popular three-season activities. With 2022 quickly approaching, it’s a good time to research the best grills for camping. There are many factors that can make a grill great for camping, such as size and weight. The size can be important when packing up for a trip and you want…
Best Hiking Leggings for 2022
It’s not surprising to anyone who has been with me outdoors that I love leggings. I bike, do yoga, and hike in leggings. I even backpacked in them. And I choose leggings over shorts every day, even in the summer. Types of Leggings This article covers hiking leggings, yoga pants, and joggers, all of which…
Best Headphones for Snowboarding in 2022
This list covers headphones for snowboarding that are safe, fit, and comfortable. These snowboarding headphones’ prices range from $29 to $250, each offering an utterly precise fit and unparalleled sound. As a result, here are our best picks for your snowboarding escapade in 2022. 1. Cambridge Audio Melomania Latest Price: $99 Overall Rating: Cambridge Audio…
Best Camping Gifts for 2022 (Under $110)
It is the season of dark nights, bright holidays, and empty bank accounts. For those of us who love someone who hikes and camps, this is also a time to consider buying them a thoughtful gift they’ll love to use. After careful consideration, I can promise that these gifts will fill the need for almost…
Best Portable Fire Pits for 2022
A portable fire pit is an appliance that has been used for centuries for cooking food and boiling water. The first evidence of its use dates back to the time of cavemen who would build fires in their caves or make temporary fire pits by digging a hole in the ground and piling rocks around…
Yellow Leaf Signature Hammock Review
Looking for a new hammock? Whether you’re prepping for a tropical vacation to the beach or just hanging with loved ones in the backyard, you won’t find anything as comfortably as the Yellow Leaf Hammock. It’s a total showstopper with its wide range of colors and designs. It is versatile, durable and ultra-comfortable, made with…
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