Are you someone who often likes to go on adventures with friends and family? Well, if your answer is a yes, then here is good news for you. In order to make your vacations more fascinating and exciting, you need to have the Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter backpacking tent. This product is having its own share of popularity in the market because of its coveted technical specifications and other features.
If you are planning to go camping, trekking or any other adventure trip, then you must buy this amazing product which will make your trip unforgettable. It has been tested in all the weather conditions as well; therefore, you do not have to think twice before taking this tent to all the extreme weather conditions. Just have it in your travel backpack, and you will be good to enjoy every moment of your trip.
Since there are many other backpacking tents available in the market, you might get confused regarding which one to buy. But, we have made things much easier for you because here you find every detail about the best-seller backpacking tent, which is the Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter. People are buying for its features and other specifications. So, before going to its features, let’s see the technical specifications of this backpacking tent in a nutshell.
In Stock at Hyperlite Mountain Gear from $735 ($67/mth)
- Construction Material: DCF8 Dyneema® Composite Fabric
- Weight Along With Guy Lines: 534 G/ 1.17 Lbs. / 18.85 Oz.
- Area of the Tent: 5.85 M2 / 63 Sq. Ft.
- Packed Size of the Tent: 21.6 X 15.2 X 14 Cm, 8.5 Inches X 6 Inches X 5.5 Inches
- Width of the Tent: 210.8 Cm/ 6 Ft. 11 Inches / 83 Inches
- Length of the Tent: 271.8 Cm/ 8 Ft. 11 Inches/ 107 Inches
- Height of the Tent: 162.6 Cm/ 5ft. 4 Inches/ 64 Inches
- 100 Percent Water-Resistant
- Available In White and Spruce Green Color
What are the advantages of buying the Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter?
There is no doubt in the fact that this backpacking tent is getting trendy in the market for all the good reasons; therefore, you can buy this product without any doubt. But it is always beneficial to consider the added merits that will come with this tent. Below mentioned are some points that will help you in understanding the advantages of the Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter.
- It is weather-resistant:
As mentioned earlier, this tent is made with DCF fabric; it is important for you to know that this fabric is considered superior quality fabric compared to other materials. It is not only functionally water-resistant, but it is also weather-resistant, which means you can take this tent in all the extreme weather conditions as well. It doesn’t absorb water; therefore, it does not sag or stretch when it rains or snow.
- It has extended adaptability:
The Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter provides extended adaptability because it can be set up in many shapes and ways. To give this tent a structure, you can attach the tent with trekking poles, paddles, or even with sticks. If you find a strong branch of a tree, then you can even hang it up through the tie-out. Due to its design, it will stand stable even at rough locations.
- It is an absolute value for money product:
You will never regret buying this product because it is really worth the investment. If you know the quality of DCF fabric, then you might know that you will be paying for the premium material that is available in the market. If you are looking for a tent that is light in weight and easy to carry, then Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter is the right fit for you.
Features of the Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter
Well, it is a perfect shelter for two persons, it gives a lot of storage, but still, it is super light in weight. If you are looking for some durable backpacking tents, then you need to try your hands on this product. It has all the qualities which make it a perfect buddy for all your adventure trips. Now, let’s have a look at the features of the Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter.
- It is completely seam-sealed for providing end-to-end protection to the users
- It has eight armored perimeter tie-outs
- It comes with an X large DCF8 stuff sack to provide additional storage space.
- It is made with supreme quality material, i.e., DCF8 Dyneema® Composite Fabric
- It is 100% water resistant
- It has a two-way zipper for easy access
- All on the tie-outs, line locks are given
- It also has four center panel tie-outs
- You can easily pitch to the ground or high off above the ground
- It comes with two peak vents with mesh
- To tie the tent from the tree, it comes with a tie-out on the cone as well for hanging purposes
- It is designed uniquely to avoid all kinds of deformation when this backpacking tent is used with different shaped poles, sticks, skis, or paddles
- The area is much spacious than all the other traditional tents
- It comes with 100′ of UHMWEP core guy lines for middle panel tie-outs
- It is well-equipped with eight 3′ UHMWEP core guy lines for perimeter tie-outs
- It can be easily used for season backpacking, ski touring, pack rafting, alpine climbing, camping, trekking, and much more
The Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter backpacking tent is an ultra-spacious option that will fit all your demands for all-season camping. You can compare the features and technical specifications of this tent with others, but we can assure you that nothing will beat the functions and prices of this product. Therefore, if you are looking for a comfortable and lightweight tent, then you should definitely go for this one.
Grab yours online today.
Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid 2 Shelter
In Stock at Hyperlite Mountain Gear from $735 ($67/mth)

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