The Cave Tent is a versatile, inflatable tent manufactured by Heimplanet, a leading outdoor gear brand. The tent is completely weatherproof against high winds, rain, and snow, and inflates within a minute.
Heimplanet’s unique design uses new inflatable technology that is not really available with any other tent on the market. With a quick pump, the Cave Tent is completely inflated. The tent does take some initial setup, but once you have everything place it inflates within minutes. The setup does take some time to get used to. As soon as you’re familiar with it, you can have your entire setup ready in no time. It’s really a hassle-free tent that is super lightweight. The Cave Tent by Heimplanet is the perfect fit for you if you are into 4 season camping, backpacking, or just want to try something new.
The tent is made with high-quality material, that provides stability, security, and simplicity. The inflatable geodesic structure of this tent is just flat-out impressive, and it makes the setup fast and easy. You just have to roll out the cave tent, pump it up, and it will begin to stand up on its own. Check out our full review below!
Available online now at Moosejaw and Amazon from $759

Overview of The Cave Tent
- The airframe is of Recyclable Material
- Outer Layer: Made With Ultra-Strong and Resistant Polyester
- Inner Layer: Made With Flexible Thermoplastic Polyurethane
- Fly Sheet: Made With 100 Percent Polyester 66 Denier 210T Rip-Stop, PU Coated 5000 Mm Water Column
- Inner Tent: Made With 100 Percent Nylon 40 Denier 240 T Rip Top Breathable Fabric
- Ground Area: 5 M2, I.E., 54 Sq. Ft.
- Ground Sheet: Made With 100 Percent Nylon Taffeta Fabric with 70 Denier 210 T, PU Coated 5000 Mm Water Column
- Overall Height of The Cave Tent: 127 Cm, i.e., 50 Inches
- Height of the Inner Tent: 102 Cm, i.e., 40 Inches
- Packed Size of the Cave Tent: 40 X 32 X 23cm i.e. 16 X 13 X 9 Inches
- Weight of the Tent: 10.60 Lbs. i.e., 4.8 Kg
- It comes with Repair Kit, Guy Lines, Pegs, Pack Sack, Gear Loft, and Pump Adapter
- Geodesic Structure
- Multi-Chamber Safety
- One-Pump System for Easy Setup
What are the features of Heimplanet the Cave Tent?
The Cave Tent comes with high-quality technical specifications with an elegantly simple design. Let’s look more at specific features.
- It ensures proper ventilation:
When it comes to the flexibility of the tent, it comes with five closable vents, which ensures proper air ventilation inside the cave tent, along with a pleasant ambiance in general. You don’t need to worry about the lighting inside the tent as the material will allow low light to pass through it.
- It comes with solid roof construction:
The star shaped roof is formed due to the structural arrangement of the tent. It results in extending great support to the tent overall. The tent remains stable at all the rough surfaces as well because the construction of the tent is done with supreme vigilance.
- There is a Wide storage space:
You won’t feel short of space inside the Cave Tent because there are numerous sewn-in pockets are given in the inner side of the tent, where you can keep smaller things very easily. There is a dedicated storage space for keeping shoes and other cooking equipment. The gear loft is also removable and will provide additional space inside the tent. If you want to hang a lamp on the ceiling of the tent, you can easily remove the gear loft.
- It comes with a multi-chamber safety system:
With the multi-chamber safety system, you can easily inflate the airframe in one easy step. Once it is inflated, the airframe can be classified into different chambers. This feature will ensure emergency stability if any part of the tent becomes damaged as all the remaining air beams will stay stable on their own. While damage is unlikely because of the strong material, it’s nice to know the beams will remain stable through heavy weather.
Once you have it fully assembled (see video below), the tent only takes about 15 seconds to setup.
- It has a double layer of construction:
All the air beams are made with resistant double-layered construction. The thermoplastic polyurethane bladder maintains the air for an extended time, and the outer side of the air beam offers extra support and durability at the same time because it is made with higher tenacity polyester material.
- The setup is quite easy:
Each and every part of the chamber has one 2-in-1 valve along with two closures. To make the setup quick and effortless, an easy inflation technique is provided by Heimplanet in the full video above. A separate valve is provided, which is used to pump the tent, and one large valve is provided so that the air can go out quickly.
- All the parts are repairable:
Each and every part of the IDG tent, i.e., inflatable diamond grid, is repairable and can be replaced as well. The tent’s casing is also fully replaceable.
The Cave Tent is quickly becoming a favorite for 2021. It support all-season camping and the material will last you for years to come. It’s cozy and comfortable, quick to setup, and will definitely improve your next camping trip or outdoor adventure.
Grab yours online today.
Available online now at Moosejaw and Amazon from $759


Jeremy Alderman is an outdoor enthusiast in Scottsdale, Arizona. He writes on all things camping, hiking, outdoor sports, and travel. His weekends are often filled exploring the desert with his wife Madison and their 3-year-old German Shepherd rescue, Grace. His favorite spot in all of North America is the Oregon Coast.
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